Admin manage all information about all modules and manage product category. Each Category may be assigned to an admin panel. Its manage all types of category like as category name, trending services, offer price display, best deal display, and category icons. These are all activities comes in our manage category section. Admin can handle all types of activities and modules.
Customer Management dashboard allows to view the list of customers category like as first name, last name, email, profile image, and mobile number and see all activities of the customer. Customer management system is work according to the admin panel. It will show all details of the customer.
Service provider manage all activities like as first name, last name, email, profile image, mobile number, and pay rate. It controls all backend modules and provide service. Admin can create the list of services for all types of activities and modules.
Manage order section to interact all activities of the admin. Each row displays useful details, such as order number, category name, customer name, service provider, amount, and status these are all activities managed by admin panel. Each order has a unique order id and unique status. Admin manage the all orders and update whole information about the product. It will show order history in an increasing order and see order status.